AMSCI Committees
Ports Committee
Dominic Sun - Chairman
Port of Houston Authority
The world of metals trade would not exist without our country’s ports and the logistics, Customs, and material handling service partners that make importing and exporting possible. The AMSCI Ports Committee serves as an important “voice within a voice” for the many thousands of jobs involved in moving and handling the 70,000-plus tons of metals in and out of our country each day. Members of this committee include port authorities, steamship and barge lines, trucking and stevedoring companies, participants in the Customs sector, and traders.
Customs Committee
Steve Baker - Chairman
S. W. Baker Law
The AMSCI Customs Committee serves as a vital bridge between our members and the various governmental entities that oversee our country’s imports and exports. It plays a key role in helping our members stay fully engaged and current with the often complex, detailed regulations and requirements governing international trade.
Membership Committee
David Wilkins - Chairman
Associated Terminals
The Membership Committee coordinates outreach to prospective Institute colleagues. It is guided by the principle that our members are the sole reason for the Institute’s existence. The mission of this essential working group is to convey the expanding value of joining the AMSCI family. Core member benefits include regular access to market and business data, enhanced networking opportunities, engagement with Congress and executive branch agencies of Government, and cooperation with other domestic and global organizations that advance the interests of our members.
Government Relations Committee
International Trade Council
When it comes to international trade and commerce, all roads pass through Washington, D.C. AMSCI offices are strategically located in the Washington, D.C. area for this reason. Highly experienced Government Relations Committee members and Institute staff work closely with the Congressional committees that write and oversee the operation of the nation’s trade laws and with the U.S. Government departments and agencies that implement them.